Keep your expectations realistic
This will make more sense the more you learn about depression. For now it’s important to note you can’t cure their depression and neither can you speed it on or find ways to short cut it’s progression. Professional treatment can be helpful and reassuring so use what’s available.
Stick to your routines
This may sound the most natural and obvious thing to do but it’s surprising how many people don’t. Depression carries less of a stigma but it can still be difficult for people to open up and share their feelings. Partly this is due to the fact their partner is embarrassed or ashamed. Find someone you trust – a professional if you feel that’s easier – and get things off your chest.
Look after yourself
It can be a taxing time and your support is only as good as your own health allows. If you’re not well yourself or you are feeling that you’re not coping then seek help.
Give support within your limitations
This is something you’ll have to judge for yourself. There may come a point when you feel you can’t cope, or you feel your own health starting to suffer. Giving care or support comes more easily to some people so don’t feel you are a failure if you’re struggling.