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Yup, it is still January and if you haven’t started your professional polishing for this year, it is not too late. A study* released last October looked at jobs that will be growing and declining over the next 10 years. If you haven’t looked at this, now may be a good time to do so. More…
This is a great article that you need to read, at least every few months. It’s part of managing your career!
Forbes: 5 Unmistakable Signs That You Are Too Smart for the Job You Are In
Lead-on, introvert or not! Just because you are not gregarious, there is no reason to think that you can’t use what you have to be a great leader. Use what you have. You’ll be great.
We want your story. Please send it to us and we will post it to give others courage to carry on.
Today is International Women’s Day. In Canada women are still making an average of only $.72 versus a man’s $1.00, and only 6% of the top dog seats in business is held by women but the story is not all in the money or the title. Today still reminds me of an ad that I saw years ago. I can’t remember what specific car brand was being More…
BMO, Courage, International Women's Day, Leadership, Melinda Gates, SheEo, Women in Leadership
Procrastination affects everyone. It sneaks up on most people when they’re tired or bored, but for some, procrastination can be a full-fledged addiction. More…
Yesterday, I attended Rogers Talks in Toronto and listened to a number of very interesting speakers. Joseph Mimran and Peter van Stolk were two of the dynamic, inspirational powerhouse’s who reinforced what it takes to be successful in business, whether you are an entrepreneur, whether you work for someone else or whether you are just trying to get ahead personally. More…
business, CLUES, Innovation, Joe Mimran, management, Peter van Stolk, Rogers Talks
Long delays, cramped hotel rooms, wondering just how much those airport body scanners really reveal. Travel has its drawbacks, but it’s usually more than worth the hassle to spend a few enjoyable days with your family or friends. More…
Overall, you genuinely enjoy work. You like your job and the projects are interesting. But whenever you think about that one coworker, you get a knot in your stomach and suddenly feel the urge to scream.
You’re not alone. More…