Yup, it is still January and if you haven’t started your professional polishing for this year, it is not too late. A study* released last October looked at jobs that will be growing and declining over the next 10 years. If you haven’t looked at this, now may be a good time to do so. More…
We want your story. Please send it to us and we will post it to give others courage to carry on.
Today is International Women’s Day. In Canada women are still making an average of only $.72 versus a man’s $1.00, and only 6% of the top dog seats in business is held by women but the story is not all in the money or the title. Today still reminds me of an ad that I saw years ago. I can’t remember what specific car brand was being More…
BMO, Courage, International Women's Day, Leadership, Melinda Gates, SheEo, Women in Leadership
Like all big transitions in life, the start of a new school year can be scary for kids — and for moms and dads too! How can parents help their kids cope? And how can they keep their own anxieties in check.
back to school, children, CLUES, jitters, organized, parents, school, students
Life is a series of calculated risks – nothing more. Everything that you decide to do has a margin of risk. No outcome is ever 100 percent certain and, therefore, any attempt at anything has a chance of complete failure. We risk everything, every day of our lives without knowing it. There is always a chance that walking outside will kill us. More…
Families are busy these days. After work, school, extra-curricular activities, meetings, housework and the other inevitable realities of life, there isn’t a lot of time leftover for quality time to spend with your children. More…