
Global Ideas

29 Apr , 2014  

Want to educate yourself with more information about International Business Trade? This information below will definitely educate you!


Scope of international business is quite wide. It includes not only merchandise exports, but alsotrade in services, licensing and franchising as well as foreign investments. Domestic business pertains to alimited territory. Though the firm has many business establishments in different locations all the tradingactivities are inside a single boundary.


International business benefits both the nations and firms. Domestic business have lesser  benefits when compared to the former.
To the nations:
Through international business nations gain by way of earning foreign exchange,more efficient use of domestic resources, greater prospects of growth and creation of employmentopportunities. Domestic business as it is conducted locally there would be no much involvement of foreign currency. It can create employment opportunities too and the most important part is businesssince carried locally and always dealt with local resources the perfection in utilisation of the sameresources would obviously reap the benefits.
To the firms:
The advantages to the firms carrying business globally include prospects for higher  profits, greater utilization of production capacities, way out to intense competition in domesticmarket and improved business vision. Profits in domestic trade are always lesser when compared tothe profits of the firms dealing transactions globally.


Market Fluctuations:

Firms conducting trade internationally can withstand these situations and hugelosses as their operations are wide spread. Though they face losses in one area they may get profits inother areas, this provides for stabilizing during seasonal market fluctuations. Firms carrying businesslocally have to face this situation which results in low profits and in some cases losses too.


Modes of entry:

A firm desirous of entering into international business has several options available to it.These range from exporting/importing to contract manufacturing abroad, licensing and franchising, jointventures and setting up wholly owned subsidiaries abroad. Each entry mode has its own advantages anddisadvantages which the firm needs to take into account while deciding as to which mode of entry itshould prefer. Firms going for domestic trade does have the options but not too many as the former one.To establish business internationally firms initially have to complete many formalities which obviously isa tedious task. But to start a business locally the process is always an easy task. It doesn’t require to process any difficult formalities.



Providing goods and services as a business within a territory is much easier than doing the sameglobally. Restrictions such as custom procedures do not bother domestic entities but whereas globallyoperating firms need to follow complicated customs procedures and trade barriers like tariff etc.


Sharing of Technology:

International business provides for sharing of the latest technology that isinnovated in various firms across the globe which in consequence will improve the mode and quality of their production.


Political relations:

International business obviously improve the political relations among the nationswhich gives rise to Cross-national cooperation and agreements. Nations co-operate more on transactionalissues.An international business is a business whose activities are carried out across national borders. Thisdiffers from a domestic business because a domestic business is a business whose activities are carriedout within the borders of its geographical location.A domestic company is one that confines its activities to the local market, be it city, state, or the country itis in. It deals, generally, with one currency, local customs and cultures, business laws of commerce, taxesand products and services of a local nature.The international company, on the other hand deals with businesses and governments in one or moreforeign countries and is subject to treaties, tariffs. currency rates of exchange, politics, culturaldifferences, taxes, fees, and penalties of each country it is doing business in. It may also be conducting business in it’s home country, but the emphasis is on trading in the international marketplace.






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